> 文章列表 > 难忘的假期英文


[摘要]:《MyUnforgettableTour!》(难忘假期)_作业帮It was a sunny day today,when I got up in the morning,I decided to see my grandparents.so I took the bus got there at noon,they were happ。你有什么难忘的事情吗,请用5-8句话来描述你的难忘假期.(



It was a sunny day today,when I got up in the morning,I decided to see my grandparents.so I took the bus got there at noon,they were happ。


In this summer,I have spent a really nice time with my family.The most remarkable thing that we did in this summer was going to hike in a。


This summer,our whole family went to the known as "vacation paradise" the laudatory name of hainan,in there,I saw the beautiful beach,and。


The summer vacation that I will never forget is the one I worked for.A summer vacation that makes me unforgettable is the tree that I work, because。


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A unforgetable day in my winter holidayIn this Spring Festival,I really had a good time.In the morning,I got up very early and watched a 。


[小学英语作文:难忘的假期(双语)]记一件难忘的事作文,小学英语作文:难忘的假期(双语).\x05\x05\x05An UnforgettableHoliday难忘的假期I had a long。


This summer,our whole family went to the known as "vacation paradise" the laudatory name of hainan,in there,I saw the beautiful beach,and。


My summer holidayI finished all of my homework first.Then I joined an English Club and a Singing Club.I practiced my knowledge of English。

personally, as w的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文,英文...
