> 文章列表 > 地道英语100句


[摘要]:你都去过哪些地方?请问这句话用地道英语怎么说?_作业帮where have you been?绝对最地道以下2句用地道的英文怎么说1.充满节日的气氛2.毫无节日气氛...Full of festive atmosphereThere is no festive atmosphere to speak of"中文最常用500句短语地道英文表达"英语怎么说Chinese 500 most commo



where have you been?绝对最地道


Full of festive atmosphereThere is no festive atmosphere to speak of


Chinese 500 most commonly used phrases to express authentic English


而别人,在某一方面肯定有值得你学习的东西。 There must be something for you to learn from others in a certain respect. 希望以上答案可以帮助。


Luckily,we have not missed the youth of each other. I am in your teenage and you are in my youth. 祝你开心如意! Luckily,we have not misse。


同学好: “都不是”的英文表达是“no + 名词”; “不都是”的英文表示是“ not all+名词,all...not,not...all”。 参考: Not all birds can fly. ..


4: 拜师。遇到一个标准严格而又风趣幽默的老师,你就知道什么叫好玩!成就!是的,学英语口语除了你想到的成就与惊喜,跟人互动的学法也会更多份美丽与感激。 ... 看。


Rose:"Hi,Linna,how are you?Lucy:"I'm very well!Rose:"Which class are you in Lucy:"I'm in the same class with you !Rose:"Oh!Great!Do you l。


要此句话地道,简单,明了的英文翻译。 共1个回答 生活 爱好 数码 农牧 宠物 美妆 美食 旅游 汽车 法律 金融 游戏 母婴 健康 运动 教育 乐依瑶 it'snotabigdeal老。


everyone is capable of changing the world as they are actually doing now,whatever your choice is,the only difference is either you make t。