[摘要]:【英文中感谢和赞美他人的句子越多越好~】作业帮I really appreciate that.I could not have done it without you.Thank you very much.You are my angel.You are a great help.I am so grateful 。感谢老师的英语小对话,最少十句_作业帮A:Hi! Tom,long time
I really appreciate that.I could not have done it without you.Thank you very much.You are my angel.You are a great help.I am so grateful 。
A:Hi! Tom,long time no see!B:Wow,it's you ,my dear teacher Linda!A:Yes,it's me.B:Why are you here?A:I am coming to visit the classmaster 。
Dear father and mother,\x100\x100First,thank for your love.l love you,too.You always take care of me.For example,help me with my home wor。
Dad and mom,thanks for creating me.(shortest way)Dad and mom,thanks for bringing me to this world.(formal way) Dad and mom,thanks for cre。
thank you!thanks!thanks a lot!it's very kind of you!that's very nice of you!I really appreciate it/your help.i express my appreciation of。
Dear mom and dad ,I love you very much .I want to say“thank you ”to you .When I am a young girl/boy ,you do manything for me .father is。
grateful heartHow long has it been since you had the feeling of being moved Do you feel grateful when you taste the delicious food your m。
thank-you letters How to write thank-you letters 感谢信用来表达所受到的良好服务、帮助、关心获得到礼物的感谢.感谢信不同于公函,它可以简短,。
Dear friends, long time no see, you doing alright? Today, I finally found the courage to speak my truth with you, first of all thank God 。
可以用多种方式表达:Thanks for your accompanying me and giving me the power.orThank you for accompanying me and giving me the power.orI am。