> 文章列表 > 关于如何学好英语的英文


[摘要]:【急求大一英语作文:怎样提高你的英语成绩(Howtoimproveyour...How to learn English?Im sure it has been a hot potato to many Chinese students.I here would like to share my onw experiences.1) do not b。【写一篇关于学英语遇到的困难,如何解决困难的英



How to learn English?I'm sure it has been a hot potato to many Chinese students.I here would like to share my onw experiences.1) do not b。


I have some difficulty in learning English. For example, I can't tell the difference between written English and spoken English. Sometime。


我是世界达达,很高兴回答这个问题。 30多年前,我上的大学。那个时候,因为在农村上的小学和中学,没有英语老师,我只是听收音机学了一点点英语,所以上大学的... 首。


本篇问答将介绍英式发音的学习资源: 1、正宗英音学习方法 2、暴力纠音阶段2套权威英音教材:《Sheep or Ship?》《English Pronunciation in Use》 3、语音阶段3。


1你是不是没有钱报培训班?是不是从小学开始就没有钱报任何课外培训班,没法到新东方那种地方砸钱学习英语? 2你是不是在一个普通的小城市,读着一个普通的小学...


As the saying goes "Health is Wealth",we all know how important one's health is.Here are the necessary rules to stay healthy:Eat healthil。


when we entre the high school, with the study developing, many students find that what they gain is less than what they put. What's wrong。


谢谢问题邀请。学习一门语言在于日积月累,听说读写的逐步提升,在这分享几个我平时学习英语的常用软件,零基础朋友着重从听,说,读开始。 查单词 -- 海词词典... 我。


第一篇:Different people like different subject.When i was a child.My sisiter often speaks some English words to me .The words sound good 。


This is my study.There is a desk in it.On the desk,there are a lot of books,a walkman and a clock.Behind the desk,there is a window.On th。