> 文章列表 > 傲慢与偏见英语名句


[摘要]:【求《傲慢与偏见英文经典语句急用··!】作业帮这段精彩对白发生在雨中,伊丽莎白听说姐姐---简的婚事被破坏了,冒雨外出以发泄情绪,达西随后追出,在石亭中,达西抛开世俗向伊丽莎白表露心迹,但是伊。《傲慢与偏见》里的经典名句_作业帮1、It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good f





1、It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife. 2、You are the la。


“Vanity and pride are different things, though the words are often used synonymously. A person may be proud without being vain. Pride relates more。


1、It is a truth universally acknowledged, that这是一个世人皆知的真理 2、 in possession of a good fortune,家产万贯 3. be in want of 需要 4、be caus。


... 2. it was the best of times, it was the worst of times——狄更斯《双城记》 3. tomorrow is another day——《乱世佳人》 4. it is a truth universa。

请问你找出了 傲慢与偏见的好词好句?如果找出了,能够把它发...

为一位老姑娘... 2、Not all of us can offord to be romantic.并不是我们所有的人都会拥有浪漫。3、You must know .Surely you must know it was 。


.“ Proud heart of everyone, from so many read books, this is indeed a man of a mental illness. As long as we have so little strengths, y。


1.in possession of 拥有,占有 2.objection n.反对的理由;反对;异议 3.invitation (口头或书面的)邀请;邀请;获得邀请;请柬;请帖 4.come down 成本... 8.estab。


要是他没有触犯我的骄傲,我也很容易原谅他的骄傲.——简·奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》幸福一经拒绝,就不值得我们再加重视. ——简·奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》。


Elizabeth Bennet: The second daughter in the Bennet family, and the most intelligent and quick-witted, Elizabeth is the protagonist of Pr。