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湛江 英语

[摘要]:【求一篇介绍湛江英语短文】作业帮Zhanjiang locates in the southern most part of China’s mainland, with a total land area of 12471 square kilometers and a population of m。初三英语“湛江是一个度假的好地方”的翻译,急!_作业帮zhanjiang is a good

湛江 英语


Zhanjiang locates in the southern most part of China’s mainland, with a total land area of 12471 square kilometers and a population of m。


zhanjiang is a good place for turism


My hometown Zhanjiang was a small fishing port when it was under French occupation in the early 20th century.Some old colonial buildings still surv。


The scenery of Zhanjiang is very beautiful, especially the West Lake in Leizhou. The scenery of Zhanjiang is very beautiful, especially the West La。


Zhanjiang, no spectacular floods, no gorgeous rainbow, also does not have the beautiful snow, no more majestic mountains, however, there are beauti。


一般地级城市都是三线。市名湛江市(英语:Zhanjiang拼音:ZhànjìāngShì)。旧称“广州湾(Kwangchouwan)”、别称“港城”、英文旧译:Tsankiang。 经纬度市。


读成英语的读音啊。海一声,南 四声 就可以了 海(第一声)南(第四声)这个真不知道如何说,你多听听英文对话就可以感觉的出了 湛(第一声)江(第四声) 感。

广东省湛江市安铺镇新建长安一路32号 用英语怎么说法

No.32 Xinjian Chang'an First Road ,Anpu Town,Zhanjiang City,Guangdong Province,China


中国城市英文名 上海:解放前为:Shanghai 北京:解放前为:peking 厦门:Amoy 闽南语 香港:Hong Kong 香港的英文名是被使用很广的,发音源于粤语. 广州:。


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