> 文章列表 > 沙悟净英文


[摘要]:西游记,唐三藏,孙悟空,猪八戒,沙和尚这些英语怎么说啊?_作业帮西游记 Record of a journey to the west 唐三藏 tang monk 孙悟空 monkey king 猪八戒 piggie 沙和尚 sha monk 西游记,the Journey to the West 。沙和尚外貌英语介绍?Shahe Shang, also known as Sha Wu Jing.



西游记 Record of a journey to the west 唐三藏 tang monk 孙悟空 monkey king 猪八戒 piggie 沙和尚 sha monk 西游记,the Journey to the West 。


Shahe Shang, also known as Sha Wu Jing. Formerly the Temple of the shutter generals, as in the peach at the broken glass lights, or infuriating Que。


Shahe Shang,also known as Sha Wu Jing.Formerly the Temple of the shutter generals,as in the peach at the broken glass lights,or infuriati。


Sun Wukong, monkey, pig, the sand monk, Tang Seng, Tang Xuan Zang,passed away Sun Wukong, monkey, pig, the sand monk, Tang Seng, Tang Xuan Zang,pas。


唐僧 Tripitaka ( Tang Monk) 孙悟空 Monkey King 猪八戒 Pigsy 沙和尚 Sandy Monk 唐僧 Tripitaka ( Tang Monk)孙悟空 Monkey King 猪八戒 Pigsy沙和尚 San。




1、Monkey magic strength, Dior unruly, heavy bonds of friendship.——孙悟空法力高强,桀骜不驯,重情义。 2、Zang Confucianism weak personality, hypocr。

四大名著的英文名称 - 134****8999 的回答

四大名著的英文名称 共4个回答 生活 爱好 数码 农牧 宠物 美妆 美食 旅游 汽车 法律 金融 游戏 母婴 健康 运动 教育 匿名用户 'ADreamofRedMansion'————红。


Monkey magic strength, Dior unruly, heavy bonds of friendship 孙悟空法力高强,桀骜不驯,重情义。 Zang Confucianism weak personality, hypocrisy, fear。


Journey to the West is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the Western Heaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. Th。