> 文章列表 > 校园广播站栏目英文介绍





I introduce my school broadcasting station. Our \"Happy Hour\" broadcasting station has been a hub of entertainment and information dissemination on campus. With a variety of programs catering to different interests, it has become a favorite among students and faculty alike. From music shows to news bulletins, our broadcasting station keeps everyone informed and entertained.


Everyone, today is a special day as we kick off our new show \"Star English\" on the campus radio station. I\'m excited to welcome you all to this engaging and educational program where we explore the intricacies of the English language. So, without further ado, let\'s dive into the world of words and expressions!


Here is some exciting news for you! Our campus broadcasting station has launched an interactive English column to foster communication and language learning among students. Through engaging discussions, language quizzes, and student interactions, this column aims to enhance English proficiency and promote cultural exchange. Tune in to broaden your horizons!


My favorite radio program is FM 103.9. Three aspects make this program exceptional. Firstly, the diverse music selection caters to various tastes, keeping listeners engaged. Secondly, the insightful discussions on current affairs provide valuable information and perspectives. Lastly, the vibrant host personalities create a lively and entertaining listening experience. Tune in and experience the magic of FM 103.9!


Hello, everyone! Welcome to today’s weather report. The sun shines bright with the temperature hovering around 25 degrees Celsius. Whether you\'re planning outdoor activities or just want to know what to expect, our English weather forecast program has got you covered. Stay tuned for the latest updates and stay informed!


There is a vibrant broadcasting station in our school that serves as a platform for creative expression and information dissemination. From news updates and music shows to educational segments and student-led programs, our broadcasting station offers a diverse range of content for the school community. Tune in to stay connected and entertained!


Planting Trees It was a sunny day in our school as students gathered for a tree-planting event. The sense of community and environmental awareness were palpable as everyone came together to contribute to a greener future. Through such activities, our school broadcasting station promotes social responsibility and environmental stewardship among the student body.


B: How do you do! A: Yes, you are right. C: Indeed, you are correct. B: Could you and Shen Leyuan give us a demonstration? C: Absolutely. A: Greetings, I am Shen Leyuan, and I am thrilled to be part of this English broadcasting showcase.


Our school broadcasting station fills the airwaves with delightful English songs. The soothing voice of the host welcomes listeners to a journey into British culture, exploring traditional cuisine, historical landmarks, and intriguing customs. Tune in to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of English culture!


Open your ears to a world of linguistic wonders on today\'s show \"Wordplay,\" where we unravel the mysteries of language and explore the nuances of English expressions. Join us for a fun and enlightening journey through the realm of words and phrases that make communication truly captivating. So, let\'s get started!