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It\'s not every day that a clown visits space, but that\'s exactly what Guy Laliberte, a Canadian circus owner, did. He paid a significant sum of money for a trip to the International Space Station (ISS), becoming the first space clown in history. This unique event added a touch of whimsy to the serious business of space exploration.


国际空间站(International Space Station, ISS)是一项由六个太空机构联合推进的国际合作计划。它是一个位于地面360公里轨道上的现代太空实验室,为全世界的科学家提供一个进行各种实验和研究的独特环境。ISS的建设和运营代表着国际合作的最高水平,也展示了人类勇于探索未知的精神。


ISS是International Space Station的缩写,意为国际空间站。作为目前在轨运行最大的空间平台,ISS不仅仅是一个科学实验室,更是一个标志着国际合作和科技进步的重要象征。在ISS上,科学家们可以开展各种实验,为解决地球和宇宙未解之谜提供重要线索。


In English, the phrase \"宇宙空间站也称航天站\" can be translated as \"The space station, also known as the spaceport\". This name reflects the dual nature of the ISS, as both a scientific research facility and a launch platform for space missions.

帮忙翻译Sustain the operation and full use of the International Space Station


英语翻译“The ISS is a necessary step to long-term human activity in space”



Space is a vast and mysterious expanse that surrounds our planet. Filled with countless stars, planets, and galaxies, space has always captured the imagination of humanity. Exploring space has been a dream of scientists and adventurers alike, as it holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.


This article delves into the concept of space, not just as the area beyond Earth\'s atmosphere, but as the boundless expanse that encompasses the entire universe. From the twinkling stars in the night sky to the farthest reaches of interstellar space, the wonders of space never fail to inspire awe and curiosity.


In the space of the space station, astronauts and scientists conduct crucial experiments ranging from cosmology to chemistry. The microgravity environment of the station allows for unique research opportunities that are not possible on Earth, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries in various fields of science.


In recent years, despite the lack of concrete evidence of extraterrestrial life, the exploration of outer space continues to be a source of scientific fascination. The International Space Station plays a crucial role in advancing our understanding of the universe and paving the way for future space exploration missions. As we continue to probe the mysteries of the cosmos, each new discovery brings us closer to unlocking the secrets of the universe.