> 文章列表 > 你旁边站的是谁啊英文




When you\'re in a situation where you need to ask someone about the person next to you in English, you can say, \"Who is the man beside of you?\"


For a more casual conversation, you can use phrases like, \"Who is that guy sitting/standing next to you?\" If you prefer a formal tone, you can say, \"Who is that man/woman/person sitting/standing beside you?\"

那个坐在你旁边的人是谁?(用seat) 怎么翻译啊???

If you want to incorporate the word \"seat\" into your question, you can ask, \"Who is the one seated next to you?\"


When you spot a boy sitting next to you, you can inquire, \"Who is the boy sitting beside you?\"


When you want to know more about the little boy next to you, you can phrase it as, \"Who is the little boy sitting next to you?\"


The English words for \"旁边\" include \"side of\" and \"near by.\" For example, you can use phrases like \"He sat down beside Emma\" or \"He sat near Emma.\"

that beside her? 这句话的意思是:站在她边上的那个人是谁...

In English, you can use \"who\" or \"whom\" to refer to the person standing beside someone. For instance, \"Who is that beside her?\" conveys the same meaning.


The term \"旁边\" can be translated to \"near\" in English, indicating proximity to something or someone.


In English, \"旁边\" is translated to \"side.\" It can refer to a physical side, aspect, or position, and is pronounced as saɪd.


To express the concept of being next to someone in English, you can use words like \"beside,\" \"next to,\" or simply \"side.\"