> 文章列表 > 你的房子离地铁站多远英文




Have you ever wondered how far your home is from the bus station? Well, in English, you can ask: How far is it from your home to the bus station?


If you want to express that your house is three kilometers away from the subway station in English, you can say: My house is three kilometers away from the subway station.


When talking about buildings near your house, you can say: If you want to express nearby buildings, you can use \"the XX nearby/near your house\" or \"the XX nearby\".


For the English translation and pronunciation of \"subway station\", you can break it down as: subway [ˈsʌbweɪ] station [ˈsteɪʃən].


The English word for \"房子\" is \"house\", pronounced as [haʊs], meaning a building for habitation, providing shelter for individuals or families.


If you were to describe the distance between your house and the railway station, you could say: Our house is about a mile from the railway station, with not too many buildings in between.


While \"房子\" translates to \"house\" in English, it is often perceived as \"villa\" by foreigners. Therefore, for regular residential structures, foreigners use the term \"flat\" to refer to apartments.

从你家到车站有多远?翻译 - 雨露学习互助

If you want to ask how far it is from your home to the bus stop in English, you can say: How far is it from your home to the bus stop?


For translations like \"Do you live far from next to the company?\" and \"He lives far/close to the company\", you can use the phrases provided to convey the distance between a person\'s residence and their workplace.


When mentioning the subway system in English, you can use sentences like \"The Metro journey back to the center of the town was hot and uncomfortable.\" or \"The extension of the subway system will take several months.\"