> 文章列表 > 天宫空间站英文版简略介绍




China\'s space station, also known as Tiangong Space Station in Chinese, is set to be the country\'s longest crewed space mission to date and the first in nearly five years. With its planned completion in 2022, this impressive feat showcases China\'s advancements in space technology.


China\'s space station, also known as Tiangong Space Station (Chinese: 中国载人空间站), refers to the space station system planned by the People\'s Republic of China. The ultimate goal is to autonomously construct a major space station in low Earth orbit. This project demonstrates China\'s ambition and commitment to space exploration.


China\'s space station, also known as Tiangong Space Station in Chinese, is a planned state-of-the-art space station system by the People\'s Republic of China, expected to be completed around 2022. With an orbit altitude of 400 kilometers, it symbolizes China\'s significant progress in space technology.


China\'s space station, also known as Tiangong Space Station (English name: China Space Station), represents the grand plans of the People\'s Republic of China for a cutting-edge space station system. The expected completion by 2022, with an orbit altitude ranging from 400 to 450 kilometers, signifies China\'s innovation and dedication to space exploration.


On November 3, 2011, at 1:36 am, the Shenzhou-8 spacecraft successfully docked with the Tiangong-1 target spacecraft as part of China\'s manned space engineering program. This historic achievement paved the way for further developments in China\'s space exploration efforts, showcasing its expertise and progress in the field.


China\'s space station, also known as Tiangong Space Station (English name: China Space Station), is a key project in the plans of the People\'s Republic of China, expected to be finalized around 2022. With an orbit altitude of 400 to 450 kilometers, this space station embodies China\'s innovation and advancement in space technology.


Tiangong-1 is a remarkable Chinese space laboratory designed as a test-bed to enhance rendezvous and docking capabilities. Its launch marked a significant milestone in China\'s space exploration journey, illustrating the country\'s commitment to advancing space technology and research.


China\'s space station, also known as Tiangong Space Station (English name: Chinese Space Station), represents a monumental project planned by the People\'s Republic of China. With an estimated completion date around 2022 and an orbit altitude of 400 to 450 kilometers, this space station showcases China\'s dedication to exploring the final frontier of space.