> 文章列表 > 第一站圆满结束英文




Beijing branch office has successfully concluded its outing. Thank you for all your support.


One possible translation for \"第一站\" in English could be \"the first stop.\"


The conference had been successfully concluded on October 20th. It was a productive meeting.


In English, \"finish\" can be used as a verb to mean completing a task or activity. For example, \"Let\'s finish up this project and move on to the next one.\"

这课里的wrap up什么意思啊?_沪江网校知识库

In this context, \"wrap up\" means to complete or finish something in a satisfactory manner. For example, \"Let\'s wrap up this lesson and head home for the day.\"


A possible translation for \"运动会圆满结束\" in English could be \"The sports event concluded successfully.\"


The differences between \"complete\", \"finish\", \"end\", and \"stop\" lie in their usage and nuances. \"Complete\" often refers to finishing a task or assignment thoroughly, while \"finish\" is more general and can be used in various contexts. \"End\" typically signifies the conclusion of an event or narrative, while \"stop\" indicates the cessation of an action or movement.


Some possible translations for \"结束\" in English include \"finish\", \"end\", \"terminate\", and \"conclude\". Each of these words can be used in different contexts to convey the idea of completion or conclusion.


While \"finish\" and \"complete\" can sometimes be used interchangeably, \"complete\" typically conveys a sense of thoroughness and excellence in finishing a task or job. For example, \"The project was completed with great attention to detail.\"


The word \"end\" refers to the conclusion or final stage of something, while \"ending\" typically describes the process or way in which something ends. For instance, \"The movie came to an end with a surprising twist\" versus \"The movie had a happy ending.\"