> 文章列表 > 坐地铁可以坐一个站吗英文




I study English every day.

Her mother doesn\'t teach English at the TVU.

Xiao Li\'s father doesn\'t work at the train station.


Taking the subway to meet at Guangzhou Railway Station, the train leaves at six o\'clock in the evening, the journey takes about twelve hours. Staying at my cousin\'s dormitory at Peking University, he doesn\'t come home for summer vacation. Remember to bring clothes, camera, and medicine for the trip.


I flew to Beijing, I took a car to Beijing.

I want to go to Beijing by plane or by air. I took a car to Beijing.

【英语翻译go to work by train, 难道是乘火车去上班吗?还是地铁?...

In English, \"go to work by train\" can refer to taking a train to work, which could be a subway or a regular train. Due to the small geography of England, commuting by train is common, and it usually refers to traveling by subway or express train.


Our class is planning to visit the zoo, which is approximately 30 kilometers away from our school. We will walk to the subway station and take a 10-minute train ride.


Two ways to express \"take the subway\" in English are \"take a subway\" or \"by subway.\"


I am taking the subway there.

...乘地铁1号线去梅隆镇广场. 5、我们可以乘933路公交车,_作业帮

1. We can take the subway line 1 to Meilun Town Square. 5. We can take bus 933 to our destination.

...您可以坐地铁在和平门下车从东南口出来,南边就是. 当然你坐...

Lee Sung-Hi: I was so excited to try the famous Beijing Roast Duck at the Peace Gate restaurant. You can get off at the Peace Gate subway station and head out from the southeast exit. The restaurant will be on your south side.


The word \"subway\" is used to refer to underground trains in English, and it can be spelled out as \"s-u-b-w-a-y.\"