> 文章列表 > 地铁英文站是如何




In English, a subway station is commonly referred to as a \"subway station.\" Another term that can be used is \"a metro station,\" with \"metro\" meaning underground.


There are several English terms for \"地铁\". In the United States, it is mostly called a \"subway.\" In the UK, it can be referred to as the \"tube.\" The word \"metro\" is often used specifically for the London underground system.


When talking about the underground railway system, commonly used English terms include \"tube,\" \"subway,\" \"underground,\" and \"metro.\" In British English, \"tube\" specifically refers to the London Underground system.


The abbreviation for \"metro\" is \"M,\" signifying a subway or metropolitan area. The word \"metro\" is pronounced as /ˈmetroʊ/ in American English and /ˈmetrəʊ/ in British English. It refers to a subway system or a large metropolitan area.


In English, \"subway\" can be pronounced as \"suhb-wey.\"


The abbreviation \"agm\" stands for \"Automatic Gate Machine,\" which is commonly used in Automatic Fare Collection (AFC) systems in subway stations. It serves as a primary terminal device for the fare collection system.


The English words for \"地铁\" can be pronounced as \"metro,\" \"subway,\" \"underground,\" and \"tube.\" You can find the pronunciation of these words on Baidu Dictionary.


In English, a train is referred to as \"train,\" while a subway is commonly known as \"subway.\"


The distinction between \"subway\" and \"train\" lies in their usage. \"Train\" generally refers to a railway transportation system, while \"subway\" specifically denotes an underground urban railway system.