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When it comes to translating English into Chinese, the key lies in being furnished with detailed key notes. \"Furnished with\" in this context means to be equipped with or provided with. This can help readers better understand the material being translated.


Have you ever wondered how each country in the world is referred to in English? Let\'s take a look at some examples: Afghanistan for 阿富汗, Albania for 阿尔巴尼亚, Algeria for 阿尔及利亚, Andorra for 安道尔, Angola for 安哥拉, and Antigua and Barbuda for 安提瓜和巴布达.

international business_沪江网校知识库

Hello, students. Let\'s delve into the meaning of \"international business.\" International business refers to commercial activities that involve transactions across national borders. For instance, the Industrial Revolution played a significant role in fostering the growth of international trade and business.


When we talk about \"world\" in English, we are referring to the term \"world.\" In English, \"world\" can mean the planet Earth, the global community, or a specific region or historical period. It\'s fascinating how a single word can encompass such vast meanings.


In English, the word \"world\" is pronounced as [wə:ld]. It has multiple meanings, such as referring to the planet Earth, the human community, or a specific societal development stage. The pronunciation of words adds another layer of complexity to language learning.


ISO stands for the International Organization for Standardization. This organization, founded on February 23, 1947, is responsible for developing international standards that are utilized across various industries worldwide. The abbreviation ISO carries significant weight in the realm of standardization.


When it comes to abbreviating the names of countries and regions in English, it\'s essential to use standardized three-letter codes. For example, United Arab Emirates is abbreviated as AE, Afghanistan as AF, Albania as AL, and Angola as AO. These abbreviations not only save space but also facilitate efficient communication.

show, display是规模大小区别吗?_沪江网校知识库

Is there a difference between \"show\" and \"display\" in terms of scale or magnitude? The distinction lies in the context in which these words are used. For instance, a motor show may feature some remarkable new cars, while an exposition typically refers to a large-scale fair or international exhibition. The nuances in language can enrich our understanding of different concepts.


Have you ever wondered how to say \"homepage\" in English? The term \"homepage\" combines the words \"home\" and \"page,\" signifying the main page of a website. If you have any more language-related questions, feel free to ask. Learning new words and their meanings can open up a world of possibilities.


Let\'s talk about the concept of \"basic skills\" in English. When it comes to mastering any subject, there are two main areas of focus: building a strong foundation in fundamental skills and developing advanced abilities. Basic skills serve as the cornerstone for learning and growth. For example, mastering basic piano techniques is essential before advancing to more complex pieces. Understanding the importance of basic skills can pave the way for success in various endeavors.