> 文章列表 > 从站英文怎么说





Walking westwardly from the station to YuYing Primary School and then turning south to walk along the road can be a refreshing experience for anyone. The scenic route offers a glimpse into the local neighborhood and allows travelers to immerse themselves in the daily life of the area. Plus, walking is a great way to stay active and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.


In English, we can say \"the little girl emerged from the station.\" This simple sentence captures the innocence and curiosity of a young child exploring the world around her. It emphasizes the act of coming out and discovering new things, which is a universal experience for children everywhere.


It\'s fascinating to note that the distance from the station to the sidewalk next to it is just a few steps. This concise translation highlights the convenience and proximity of the sidewalk, making it easily accessible for pedestrians traveling to and from the station. It also showcases how certain destinations are closer than we think, encouraging people to explore their surroundings on foot.


When traveling from the train station by taxi, going down Youth Road and passing the police station before turning right to reach your destination is an efficient and straightforward route. This translation provides clear instructions for travelers, ensuring they reach their intended location without any confusion. It also underscores the importance of landmarks in navigation and how they help us orient ourselves in unfamiliar places.


The distinction between \"Stand up\" and \"All rise\" is quite interesting. \"Stand up\" implies the action of physically rising from a seated position, while \"All rise\" suggests a collective rising or elevation from a specific location or event. Understanding these nuances in language enriches our vocabulary and enables us to communicate more effectively in different contexts.


When expressing in English, you can simply say \"call a taxi\" or \"take a taxi\" from the train station. This concise translation provides practical advice for travelers, offering them a convenient transportation option to reach their desired destinations. It showcases the versatility of the English language in conveying essential information efficiently and effectively.


The English translation for \"乘地铁从火车站到飞机场需要40分钟\" would be \"It takes 40 minutes to arrive at the airport from the railway station by subway.\" This translation not only provides the necessary information about the travel time but also emphasizes the mode of transportation, allowing travelers to plan their journey accordingly. It highlights the convenience and efficiency of using public transportation for commuting between different locations.


Finding your way from the station to the school is not as challenging as it may seem. By turning left and walking straight after exiting the station, reaching the traffic light, turning left again onto St. John\'s Street, and continuing straight until you pass the cinema, you will arrive at your destination. This detailed translation provides a step-by-step guide for travelers, ensuring they navigate the route smoothly and reach their intended destination with ease. It highlights the importance of clear directions and landmarks in effective wayfinding.


To translate the phrase \"从哪里跌倒就从哪里站起来\" into English, we can say \"Stand up just where you fell (down).\" This translation captures the resilience and determination implied in the original Chinese phrase, emphasizing the idea of getting back up after facing challenges or setbacks. It encourages individuals to persevere and continue moving forward, no matter the circumstances.


A possible translation for the phrase \"从哪里倒下就从哪里站起来\" in English could be \"Where fallen, where to stand up.\" This translation conveys the message of resilience and self-reliance, highlighting the importance of picking oneself up and not giving up in the face of adversity. It serves as a reminder to stay strong and persevere through life\'s challenges, emerging stronger and more determined on the other side.