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When it comes to inspecting the main parts and processes of construction, the term used in English is \"inspection station.\" It involves closely examining both visible and hidden components to ensure quality and safety.


The content of Intelligent Building Engineering Side Station refers to the supplementary activities in smart building projects that aim to enhance the intelligent functions of the building. These activities include integrating smart technologies, optimizing energy efficiency, and ensuring seamless automation.


To express \"beside the station\" in English, you would simply say \"beside the station.\" The term \"beside\" indicates proximity or adjacency to something, in this case, a station. It\'s important to use the correct preposition to convey the intended meaning accurately.


Although both \"station\" and \"stand\" can convey the sense of a place or position, they have distinct meanings. \"Station\" typically refers to a location, status, or a stopping point, while \"stand\" can denote standing or enduring something. Understanding these differences can lead to more precise communication in English.


In addition to its usage as a noun to describe a location like a station or a status like a position, \"station\" can also refer to an identity or a role. For further clarification of word meanings, it\'s beneficial for students to utilize resources like the Hujiang XiaoD dictionary app for easy access to definitions and examples.

Station 翻译中文是(站)还有什么英文单词翻译是(站)这个词的...

The translation of \"station\" into Chinese is \"站,\" and a synonym in English for this word is \"stand.\" Both terms convey the idea of a fixed location or position, emphasizing stability or a designated place for a specific purpose.


In English, \"station\" can refer to a variety of meanings, including a physical location like a train station or a police station, a status or position, or even a television station. The versatility of this word showcases its adaptability to different contexts and interpretations.


The term \"station\" in English encompasses meanings such as a transportation hub like a train station, an official place or institution like a police station, a designated role or identity, as well as a television broadcasting facility. Understanding the nuances of this word can enhance language comprehension and communication skills.


Supervisory work can be conducted through various methods, including \"inspections,\" \"patrols,\" and \"parallel checks.\" \"Inspections\" involve on-site supervision at critical points or during crucial construction processes. \"Patrols\" entail regular or irregular monitoring of ongoing construction activities, while \"parallel checks\" focus on comparing and verifying different aspects simultaneously to ensure compliance and quality.


For additional English translations, \"洽谈室\" can be rendered as \"conference room\" or \"meeting room,\" \"活动室\" as \"activity room,\" and \"值班室\" as \"duty room\" or \"monitoring room.\" It\'s essential to choose the most appropriate translation based on the intended context and the specific function of each room within a given setting.