> 文章列表 > 哪一站地铁英文




In English, the term \"subway\" is commonly used in American English, while \"underground\" and \"tube\" are more commonly used in British English. For example, in London, the subway system is often referred to as the \"tube.\" The term \"metro\" is also used to refer to subway systems in various countries.


In British English, the term \"underground\" is used to refer to the subway system, while in American English, it is referred to as \"the subway.\" In France, the subway system is often referred to as \"metro.\"


In the United States, the term \"subway\" is most commonly used, while in the UK, the term \"tube\" is preferred. The term \"metro\" is often used to specifically refer to the London underground system in the UK.

地铁的英语说法有几种,都有什么区别?目前我知道的有 metro s...

In the United States, the term \"subway\" is widely used, while in the UK, \"tube\" is more commonly used. The term \"metro\" is often used to refer to the subway system in London, UK.


When it comes to describing the subway system in English, phrases like \"The extension of the subway will take several months\" or \"I always travel by underground\" are commonly used. In London, if you want to get around quickly, you might opt for the subway system.


The word \"metro\" is often used to specifically refer to subway systems in countries like France, including cities like Paris and Montreal in Canada.


Both \"tube\" and \"subway,\" as well as \"underground\" and \"metro,\" can be used to refer to the subway system in English.


If it takes 10 minutes to get from here to the subway, you might consider walking or taking a quick ride to your destination.


The English term for \"地铁\" is \"subway,\" pronounced as [ˈsʌbweɪ]. It can be used as a noun to refer to an underground railway system, and the phrase \"subway station\" is commonly used to describe the designated stops along the subway route.


To say \"地铁\" in English, you can use the terms \"metro\" or \"subway.\" For example, you could say \"I want to get there by subway\" or \"I often take the metro to work.\"