> 文章列表 > 我们距离太空站多远英文




As an English teacher, let me help you. The distance between us can be translated as \"What\'s the distance between us?\" or \"How far is it between us?\" Wishing you good luck!


When talking about the long distance from New York to Hong Kong, you can say \"New York is far from Hong Kong.\" Additionally, when referring to a faraway location, you may use \"They saw a few houses in the distance.\"


Some common phrases related to space stations are \"International Space Station (ISS)\" and \"on a space station\". Whether you are playing a game like \"Space Station Tycoon\" or actually living on a space station, these phrases will come in handy.


When used in the form of a noun, \"distance\" can be pluralized as \"distances\" in the third person singular.


To express that \"The distance between us is very far\", you can say \"The distance between us is quite significant.\"

在太空站(space station), 在太空, 住在...

Living in space is simply \"in space\", while residing on a space station can be described as \"live on a space station\". The phrase \"on soap operas\" can mean \"in the television series\", such as in the soap opera \"Young Lives\".


Within the space of a space station, astronauts and scientists conduct important experiments ranging from astronomy to chemistry.


The space is truly awe-inspiring, with countless stars dotting the sky. Despite their vast number, they remain uncountable to the human eye, creating a sense of wonder and mystery.


When translating the sentence \"宇宙空间站也称航天站,是在固定轨道上长期运行...\", you can say \"The space station, also known as the space outpost, orbits in a fixed path for astronauts to reside in for extended periods.\"


Describing a sense of both distance and closeness, you can say \"The distance between us is far, but we are still close.\" It captures the paradoxical feeling of being physically distant yet emotionally connected.