> 文章列表 > 第三站下英文




When you need to get off the bus at the third stop, you can simply say \"get off the bus at the third stop.\"


If you want to take the No. 8 bus and get off at the third stop, you can politely say \"you can take the No. 8 bus and get off at the third stop.\"


When you are taking the 117 bus, you can indicate that by mentioning the bus route as \"one seventeen\" or \"route 117.\" For example, you can say \"You can take route one seventeen.\"


When you need directions like getting off at the train station or taking a specific bus route, you can say phrases like \"get off the train at the station,\" \"turn left/right,\" or \"take the No. 5 bus.\" These phrases will help you navigate effectively.


If you work at a passenger station and need to translate \"退票改乘,\" you can use the phrase \"return the ticket and change to another line\" to convey the meaning accurately.

再过三站下车 英语怎么说

To express \"get off after 3 stops,\" you can simply say \"get off after three stops.\"


When referring to transportation systems like buses, subways, or high-speed trains, the term \"第三站\" (third station) denotes the third stop or destination in the journey. Tour guides can also use phrases like \"We have arrived at the third station\" to inform passengers about the progress of the trip.


In English, the translation for \"第三\" is \"third.\" So, when addressing a male, you can write it as \"third.\" Additionally, \"third\" can also refer to a low-level degree in the UK educational system.


The English translations for the numeric order are as follows: first, second, third, fifth, ninth, and twelfth.


The English translation for \"第三\" is \"third,\" pronounced as [dì sān]. It can also be translated as \"Third\" in formal contexts or in reference to the third edition or level of something.