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When it comes to translating the phrase \"个人简介\" into English, we can use \"Personal brief introduction\" or \"Personal resume introduction\". The word \"resume\" specifically refers to a document that provides a summary of a person\'s background and skills.


When referring to an older sister, you can simply say \"elder sister\". This term is commonly used to describe a sister who is older in age or seniority.


In English, the term for \"姐姐\" is \"sister\". Additionally, there are related phrases such as \"envy one\'s sister\", \"miss one\'s sister\", \"respect one\'s sister\", and even \"beautiful sis\" to express different sentiments related to one\'s sister.


The English translation for \"姐姐\" is \"elder sister\". For example, you can use it in a sentence like \"Elder sister, he really feels sorrowful\", to convey a specific emotion or situation related to an elder sister.


When talking about a sister in general, the correct term to use is \"sister\". For example, you could say \"My sister\'s given me this brilliant book\" to indicate a gift or gesture from your sister. Remember, clear communication is key in any language!

请问“个人简介”四个字如何翻译为英文? - 雨露学习互助

To translate the phrase \"个人简介\" into English, you can use \"Personal introduction\". Another term that is commonly used to refer to a more detailed version of this introduction is \"Curriculum Vitae\", which specifically refers to a resume.


When discussing different elements related to a story or publication, you can use the following terms in English: \"About the author\", \"Characters\", and \"Synopsis\". These terms help to provide a comprehensive overview of the key components of a piece of writing.

个人简介 用英文怎么翻译

To translate \"个人简介\" into English, you can use the term \"Individual Resume\". This phrase highlights the personal nature of the introduction, emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual\'s background and experiences.

jessie J的英文简介 - 雨露学习互助

When looking at the English translation of Jessie J\'s name, it is actually Ellen Cornish. Her full name is Jessica Ellen Cornish, and she was born on January 7, 1988. Known by her stage name Jessie J, she has made a significant impact in the music industry with her talent and charisma.

“作者简介” “出场人物” “剧情简介” 用英文怎么说 - 雨...

When discussing various aspects of a story or play in English, you can use the terms \"About the author\" to provide background information on the writer, \"Characters\" to introduce the individuals involved in the narrative, and \"Synopsis\" to give a brief summary of the plot. These terms help to structure and organize discussions about creative works effectively.