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The first Opium War (1840 June to August 1842) marked the beginning of modern Chinese history, the North and South Wars in the United States, and the American War of Independence were all significant events in history that shaped the respective countries\' futures.


Independence Day, celebrated on July 4th each year, is a significant statutory holiday in the United States. On this day, Americans commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and celebrate their independence.


The World Trade Organization, abbreviated as WTO, was established on April 15, 1994, during the Ministerial Conference in Marrakech, Morocco. It plays a crucial role in global trade governance.


Learning to be independent is a crucial skill for personal growth. For instance, managing your finances independently and making decisions without relying on others are important examples of practicing self-reliance.


The American War of Independence was primarily sparked by British colonial oppression that hindered the development of capitalism in North America. The Boston Tea Party in 1773 further fueled the resistance and marked a turning point in the struggle for independence.


The United States of America is an expansive country, covering over 9.62 million square kilometers and bordered to the south by Mexico. It ranks third globally in terms of land area and is home to diverse landscapes and cultures.


Encouraging children to be independent is vital for their development. Thanks to policies like the \"family plan,\" many Chinese families are fostering independence in their children from a young age, preparing them for a successful future.

plan to do 与 be ging to do 与 plan to do 有什么-沪江网校

The phrases \"plan to do\" and \"be going to do\" both indicate future intentions or arrangements. While \"plan to do\" suggests a predetermined decision, \"be going to do\" implies an action with signs pointing towards its occurrence in the near future.