> 文章列表 > 空间站应用产品介绍英文





What do you think the future space station will be like? Will it be a massive orbiting structure with state-of-the-art technology, or perhaps a compact and efficient outpost for scientific research and exploration? With advancements in space technology constantly evolving, the possibilities for the future of space stations are endless.


Tiangong 1 is a Chinese space laboratory, serving as a crucial stepping stone in the development of space station technology. Through a series of experiments and research initiatives, Tiangong 1 paves the way towards the construction of larger, more advanced space stations in the future.


中国空间站(天宫空间站,英文名称:China Space Station)是中国雄心勃勃的太空计划的关键组成部分。预计于2022年左右完工,空间站的轨道高度约为400-450公里。这一庞大的空中实验室将为我国的太空探索和科学研究提供重要支持。




中国空间站(天宫空间站,英文名称:Chinese Space Station)是中国在太空领域的重要标志性项目。预计2022年前后建成,空间站的轨道高度为400-450公里,将为我国进行太空科学研究和实验提供重要平台。

用pollution(污染)tree(树)space staton(太空站)这个英文单词组合

The pollution is becoming worse because of the decreasing number of trees, impacting the environment both on Earth and potentially in space stations where clean air and sustainability are essential for the well-being of astronauts.


If you knew that a bottle of water had been recycled from urine, would you still drink it? In space exploration, astronauts on the International Space Station may have to do just that. NASA plans to use advanced technology to recycle water on the ISS, highlighting the ingenuity and resourcefulness of space missions.


If you refer to a \"太阳系空间\" as a space station centered around the sun and encompassing all celestial bodies orbiting around it, then a suitable English translation would be \"solar system space station.\" This term accurately conveys the concept of a station within the entire solar system, serving as a hub for scientific exploration and research.




A space station is a complex machine that requires close collaboration between multiple modules to carry out various tasks, including life support systems, extravehicular activities, and scientific research. The use of \"on\" instead of \"in\" emphasizes the idea that the station is located on Earth\'s orbit, floating in space rather than enclosed within a specific volume, reflecting the unique nature of space exploration.