> 文章列表 > 请站远点英文怎么说




请站远点,让人们有更多的空间 please stand further away to give people more space to breathe and move around.


当别人挤在你身边时,你可以说\"get out of my face\"以示不满,或者\"get out of the way\"来表达让路的意思;而当你只是想自己安静一会儿时,可以说\"leave me alone\"来表示不想被打扰。


If you want someone to back off and give you some space, you can simply say \"Stay away from me, please\".


1、心情不好时: You can politely say \"Leave me along, please\" to ask someone to back off when you are not in the mood for company. 2、怕传染别人疾病(打个比方哈): In situations where you need to maintain a safe distance, you can say \"Please keep distance as far as possible\" to prevent spreading any potential diseases.


If you want someone to continue walking along a certain path and give you some space to speak, you can say \"Please go further along this side. I still have something to say.\" This simple yet direct statement will clearly get your point across.


If you need someone to keep their distance, a polite way to say it would be \"Please stay away from me!\" This clear directive will ensure that your personal space is respected.


1. When someone is in need of help, you can say \"Don\'t just stand there, man – get a doctor!\" to encourage action and assistance. 2. In situations where you need space, you can politely ask others to \"Stand back and give me some room\" to express your need for personal space.


1. If you want someone to adjust their distance from you, you can say \"be a little away from/close to me\" to communicate your preference for personal space. 2. Inquiries about initiating contact can be phrased as \"Why is it always me who reaches out first?\" to express curiosity or frustration about the situation.


When you\'re feeling heartbroken and need some space, you can say \"I\'m heart-broken. Stay away from me\" to express your need for solitude and emotional healing.


When you want someone to keep their distance, you can use phrases like \"stay away from me\", \"leave me alone\", or \"get off my back\" to assert your need for personal space and privacy in a direct and assertive manner.