> 文章列表 > 气象台站命名英文标准





A weather station, also known as a meteorological observatory, plays a crucial role in monitoring and forecasting weather conditions. With advancements in technology, weather stations now gather data on temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation to provide accurate weather forecasts.


When it comes to translating \"狐尾山气象台\" into English, we can use \"Fox Tail Hill Meteorological Observatory.\" The name not only maintains the essence of the original term but also adds a touch of uniqueness to it.


When we talk about naming in English, we can also use terms like \"nominate,\" \"nomenclature,\" and simply \"name.\" Each of these words carries a slightly different connotation, emphasizing the importance and depth of assigning a name to something.

安徽省人民政府气象局 用英语怎么说

For the \"安徽省人民政府气象局\" in English, we can refer to it as the \"Anhui Provincial Meteorologic Bureau\" for a more formal tone. Alternatively, we can opt for a slightly more casual approach by calling it the \"Anhui Provincial Weather Bureau.\"


When it comes to translating \"天象台\" into English, we can use the term \"observatory\" [ɔb\'zə:vətəri]. An observatory not only refers to a place where astronomical observations are made but also serves as a hub for meteorological research and observation.


Integrating weather station names into ArcMap can be done by following a few simple steps. By adding the station\'s XY data in ArcMap, selecting the appropriate coordinates, and converting the data into a shapefile format, you can visualize and analyze weather station locations effectively.


When it comes to translating various service desks into English, we have \"The weather forecast desk,\" \"query desk,\" \"traffic accidents and warning desk,\" and \"information desk.\" Each of these plays a crucial role in providing essential services to the public.


Universal domain naming rules dictate that domain names should only consist of English letters (a-z, case-insensitive), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (\"-\"). Special characters like !, $, &, and ? are not allowed. Adhering to these rules ensures the stability and uniformity of domain naming conventions.


When discussing a meteorological observatory and its role in monitoring air quality, it emphasizes the importance of these facilities in not only predicting weather patterns but also assessing and maintaining air quality standards for a healthier environment.


In English, \"拉萨\" translates to \"Lhasa,\" while \"呼和浩特\" is translated as \"Hohhot.\" When it comes to weather conditions, we have terms like \"sunny,\" \"cloudy,\" \"overcast,\" \"light rain,\" \"moderate rain,\" and \"heavy rain\" to describe various atmospheric conditions.