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博段:马当路 Madang Road,这个站名听起来好像是一个帅气的名字,让人忍不住想去探索一下;卢浦大桥 Lupu Bridge,这座桥是上海的地标建筑之一,远远望去非常壮观;世博大道 Expo Avenue,能感受到这条大道的名字带来的国际化和现代化气息。


下一站 the next stop is ……station,听到这句话,就知道自己的下一站是哪里了,节省了很多不必要的麻烦;终点站 the terminal station shanghai south railway station,到达终点站的时候,就可以放心下车了,不用再担心坐过头;到站了 we are arr,听到这句话,就知道自己目的地已经到了,心情一下子变得舒畅起来。


abord 这个较为正式一点,一般口语用get off比较多,所以在地铁上,若想礼貌地表达下车意图,可以说“Excuse me, I need to get off at the next stop”。


Shanghai is China\'s most comprehensive industrial and commercial city, ranking the first in population and economic development. With a population of over 24 million and a GDP exceeding 3 trillion yuan, Shanghai is a vibrant and bustling metropolis known for its skyscrapers, historical landmarks, and rich cultural heritage.


Shanghai, an international city, is located in the east of China. With its world-famous landmarks such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, the historic Bund, and the modern skyscrapers of Lujiazui, Shanghai attracts millions of visitors from around the globe every year.


Metro Line Ten,地铁的命名很简洁明了,一听就知道是地铁十号线了。在上海,地铁十号线既连接了市区各个繁华地带,也延伸至郊区,方便市民出行。


Among all the interesting places in Shanghai, I like Yu Garden best. It is in the center of Shanghai, surrounded by traditional Chinese architecture and beautiful gardens. The Bund, with its colonial buildings and stunning view of the skyline, is another must-visit attraction. Nanjing Road, one of the world\'s busiest shopping streets, showcases the modern side of Shanghai. Additionally, the Shanghai Museum, known for its collection of ancient Chinese art, offers a glimpse into the city\'s rich history.


Shanghai\'s \"li long\" are a unique style of housing in China, blending features of east and west. In the past, up to 80% of Shanghai\'s population lived in these traditional alleyway homes, creating a close-knit community atmosphere. Today, the \"li long\" have become a symbol of Shanghai\'s history and heritage, attracting tourists from all over the world.


Shanghai is one of the few megacities in China both in terms of its economy and population. Known for its rapid development and modern skyline, Shanghai is a global financial hub with a diverse cultural scene. From the historic architecture of the Bund to the futuristic skyscrapers of Pudong, Shanghai offers a unique blend of traditional and modern elements that make it a truly dynamic city.


the Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai.外滩是旧上海与新上海交汇的地方。这句话的意思是在外滩这个地方,可以看到旧上海遗留下来的建筑,同时也能欣赏到新上海现代化的风貌,真正体会到上海这座城市的时代变迁和发展。