> 文章列表 > 消毒站英文怎么说呢




消毒: When it comes to the term \"disinfection\" in English, we can use a variety of words such as antisepsis, disinfect, disinfection, listerize, sanitize, and sterilize. These words all refer to the process of killing harmful microorganisms and making an environment safe for use.


As for the English translation of \"disinfectant,\" it is known as \"disinfector.\" This chemical agent is commonly used to kill bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens on surfaces to prevent the spread of diseases.


To translate \"消毒供应室\" into English, we can use the term \"sterilization and supply room.\" This room is essential for storing and distributing sterilized equipment and supplies to ensure a clean and safe environment.


When referring to \"消毒防控中心\" in English, we can use \"Prevention and control of disinfection\" or \"Disinfect and disease prevention center.\" These establishments play a crucial role in preventing the spread of infections and maintaining public health.


The pronunciation of \"sterilize\" in English is [ˈstɛrəˌlaɪz]. This word is commonly used to indicate the process of killing microorganisms and making objects or surfaces free from contamination.


The term \"degassing\" can be translated as noun: the process of removing gases or adj: relating to the removal of gases. It can also refer to the act of disinfecting or sterilizing objects by removing air or gas trapped within them.


For \"消毒间\" in English, we have \"disinfector chamber\" or \"ware washing and sterilizing room.\" These spaces are dedicated to cleaning and sterilizing tools, utensils, and equipment to ensure hygiene and prevent contamination.


When it comes to translating \"消毒\" and \"消毒剂\" into English, we can use \"disinfect\" and \"disinfectant\" respectively. These terms are commonly used in the context of cleaning and sterilizing surfaces, objects, and materials to maintain a safe and healthy environment.


In terms of abbreviations, \"消毒供应中心\" can be shortened to \"DSC\" for \"disinfection supply center,\" while \"消毒供应室\" can be abbreviated as \"DSR\" for \"disinfection supply room.\" These abbreviations are helpful in quickly identifying different areas within a facility.


Translating the various sections of a facility, such as the cleaning area, packaging area, sterilization area, sterile storage area, and disinfection supply room, can be expressed as \"packing sterilization area,\" \"sterilized articles storage area,\" and \"sterile supply department.\" These areas play a crucial role in maintaining cleanliness and preventing contamination.


1. Procedure: This word refers to a set of steps or actions to be followed in a specific order to achieve a particular result. In the context of disinfection, the procedure may involve cleaning, washing, and disinfecting with appropriate chemicals to ensure effective sterilization.