> 文章列表 > 第1站从哪里出发英文



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When it comes to expressing the idea of leaving from a certain place in English, there are several options available. For example, one can use \"leave from... to...\" to indicate the starting point and destination. An alternative phrase could be \"set off,\" which also implies the beginning of a journey.


When it comes to translating terms related to train travel, \"始发站\" could be translated as \"station of departure.\" As for other terms like \"出发站,\" a direct translation may not be readily available without context and further information.


When describing the act of setting off for a destination in English, one can use the phrase \"start for.\" Here, \"start\" conveys the beginning of a journey, while \"for\" indicates the purpose or direction of the travel.


The English expressions for \"出发\" include \"depart\" or \"set off.\" Additionally, phrases like \"Let\'s hit the road!\" or simply \"hit the road!\" are commonly used and carry a sense of readiness to begin a journey.


In English, one can say \"Set off\" or \"Depart\" to indicate the act of starting a journey. Another related term is \"Departure,\" which specifically refers to the act of leaving a place to travel elsewhere.


On the following day, bright and early, we embarked on our journey. We gathered at the school gate in the early morning to set out on our adventure, full of excitement and anticipation for the day ahead.


To express the idea of setting off in English, one can simply say \"Let\'s go.\" This straightforward phrase conveys the notion of starting a journey or undertaking an activity with enthusiasm.


In English, the departure point is referred to as the \"depart place,\" while the destination is known as the \"destination.\" These terms help specify the starting and ending locations of a journey or travel itinerary.


When expressing the concept of setting off in English, there are various phrases to choose from, such as \"Let\'s roll,\" \"Let\'s hit the road,\" \"Let\'s rock \'n roll,\" or \"Let\'s move.\" Each of these expressions conveys a sense of readiness and eagerness to begin a new adventure or journey.


When it comes to expressing the act of departing or setting off in English, phrases like \"At eight, I said I\'m getting off now\" can be used. Additionally, examples like \"He set out on the long walk home\" demonstrate the action of starting a journey or moving from one place to another.