> 文章列表 > 最新加油站的文案短句英文




In the dream, we find the lowest point in our journey - the gas station. But this station is not just for filling up on fuel, it\'s a place where dreams can begin to flourish. It\'s a station where we refuel not just our cars, but our spirits as well.

Gas Station的英文翻译-ZOL问答

When it comes to translating \"中国石化加油站\" into English, it can be quite a mouthful: GASSTATIONOFCHINAPETROCHEMICALCORPORATION. But if you\'re looking to create a sign for a gas station, all you really need is the logo of Sinopec, with a prominent SINOPEC label.


Thank you for the question! In foreign countries, the phrase \"把油加满\" can be expressed in English as \"Fill the tank up\". It\'s a simple yet essential phrase for any traveler hitting the road. So next time you\'re overseas and need a fill-up, you\'ll know just what to say.

Gas station的中文翻译-ZOL问答

Gas station. It\'s short, simple, and to the point. Just like the station itself, this translation leaves no room for confusion. A perfect example of how language can be both efficient and effective.


When you find yourself lost in a foreign city, knowing how to ask for directions can be a lifesaver. From \"Can you tell me where the Taipei Hall MRT station is?\" to a simple \"Excuse me, can you help me find my way?\", these phrases are essential for any traveler looking to navigate with ease.

Gas station机器的翻译-ZOL问答

When it comes to translating \"加油站机器\" into English, the result is quite straightforward: Gas station machine oiling machine. Sometimes, the most literal translations are the most effective in getting the point across.


Even in the face of tragedy, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As the Sunshine Hotel burned to the ground, he made his way to the gas station - a symbol of hope and renewal in the midst of chaos.