> 文章列表 > 太空站维修什么的英文





Have you ever wondered how important trees are for our environment? According to research, a single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. Therefore, the phrase \"tree spacestation\" in English can be used in a sentence like this: \"In order to combat pollution and protect the environment, we need to plant more trees around the space station.\"


When it comes to describing work in a space station in English, both \"work on space station\" and \"work in space station\" can be correct. However, \"work on space station\" is more commonly used and more grammatically precise.


Living in space has always been a fascinating topic. In English, we say \"in space\" when referring to being in the vast universe outside of Earth. On the other hand, when living on a space station specifically, we use the phrase \"live on a space station.\" For example, astronauts live on the International Space Station (ISS) for extended periods of time to conduct scientific experiments and research.


The translation of \"Sustain the operation and full use of the International Space Station (ISS)\" emphasizes the importance of maintaining and utilizing the ISS effectively. This involves treating the ISS as a national laboratory for scientific, technological, diplomatic, and educational purposes. By supporting future goals and advancements, the ISS serves as a pivotal platform for international cooperation and progress in space exploration.


The term \"module\" in English refers to a component or unit that serves a specific function. In the context of space exploration, a module can be a separate section of a spacecraft or space station designed for various tasks and operations. Modules are essential in constructing and maintaining habitable environments in outer space for astronauts and scientific instruments.


Yes, the phrase \"live in a space station\" is grammatically correct and commonly used when describing astronauts residing on a space station. Living in a space station presents unique challenges and opportunities for astronauts, including conducting experiments in microgravity and adapting to life in a confined space environment.


1. 太空站 - Space Station. 2. 去滑冰 - Go skating. 3. 世界杯 - The World Cup. 4. 爱上某人 - Fall in love with. Learning and practicing English vocabulary in different contexts can greatly enhance language proficiency and communication skills.


ISS stands for International Space Station, which is a cutting-edge platform for scientific research and international collaboration in space exploration. The ISS allows astronauts and researchers to conduct experiments in a microgravity environment, advancing knowledge in various fields such as biology, physics, and astronomy.


The translation for \"building space stations, sending robots to Mars, and human space exploration\" highlights the future of space exploration and technology. Establishing space stations allows for prolonged human presence in space, while sending robots to Mars enables exploration of other celestial bodies. Human space exploration opens doors to new discoveries and possibilities beyond Earth\'s boundaries.


The acronym \"ISS\" stands for the International Space Station, which serves as a symbol of international cooperation and innovation in space exploration. The ISS provides a platform for scientific research and technological advancements, demonstrating humanity\'s collective efforts to explore and understand the universe.