> 文章列表 > 汽车修理站英文怎么读




In English, \"garage\" is pronounced as [ɡəˈrɑʒ,-ˈrɑdʒ]. It refers to a place where cars are parked or repaired. Interestingly, the word \"garage\" originated from the French word \"garer,\" which means \"to store or to protect.\"

How to say汽修厂in English

The term \"garage\" [ɡə\'rɑ:dʒ, ɡə\'r-] is used to translate \"汽修厂\" in English. It not only means a place for car maintenance but also encompasses the idea of a workshop or a repair facility.

Meaning of \"garage\"

When we look at the phonetic transcription, [ɡəˈrɑʒ,-ˈrɑdʒ], and understand the definition - a garage is not just a car parking space but also a repair station for vehicles and even aircraft. This word holds a lot of significance in the automotive industry.

Is G-r-ge an English word?

Yes, \"garage\" ([ˈgærɑ:ʒ] in British English and [gəˈrɑ:ʒ] in American English) is indeed an English word commonly used to denote a place where vehicles are stored or repaired.

What\'s the English term for汽车修理

The correct term for \"汽车修理场\" is \"auto repair shops\" in English. These shops offer services ranging from simple maintenance to complex repairs for all kinds of vehicles.

Words starting with the letter G

When it comes to words starting with the letter G, we have a range of options like \"ginormous\" meaning extremely large, \"great\" indicating something remarkable or significant, and \"general\" which is more about a broad or overall concept. But the most apt word for a car repair facility would be \"garage.\"

Professional English terms for vehicle maintenance

For those interested in learning professional English terms related to vehicle maintenance, some key words include \"vehicle maintenance\" for routine check-ups, \"vehicle repair\" for fixing mechanical issues, and \"system of vehicle maintenance and repair\" for a structured approach to car care.