> 文章列表 > 倒数第二站下车英文




Have you ever wondered how to say “倒数第二站下车” in English? The term “last but one” is a fixed structure in English that means “the second to last”. It is a unique expression that conveys the idea of being just before the final stop.


When it comes to expressing “倒数第二” in English, there are two common phrases you can use. \"Last but one\" denotes the second to last, emphasizing its proximity to the end. On the other hand, \"second to last\" also implies the same meaning, highlighting the position right before the final stop.


As someone who works as a translator in a foreign company, I can assure you that the most accurate way to refer to the second to last stop in English is by saying \"the last but one\". This phrase captures the essence of counting down to the penultimate stop with precision.


If you are looking for an authentic and native way to say \"倒数第二\" in English, you can simply use the phrase \"last but one\". This term is widely accepted and understood in English contexts, making it a suitable choice for communication.


When it comes to counting down in English, you can refer to the second to last stop as \"last but one\". Additionally, the term \"penultimate\" is also commonly used to indicate the same concept, especially in formal settings where precision is key.


If you want to instruct someone to get off the bus at the second stop, you can simply say, \"Please get down from the second station.\" This clear and concise phrase conveys the message effectively and ensures smooth communication.


When it comes to getting off a vehicle, there are several ways to express it in English. You can use phrases like \"get off\" or \"get out of\" to indicate leaving a bus or train. Additionally, you can say \"get down from\" to specify getting off a vehicle with ease.


For simple English vocabulary related to boarding and alighting from transportation, you can use \"get on\" to indicate boarding a bus or train, and \"get off\" to signify disembarking from a vehicle. These phrases are commonly used in everyday conversations.


When you need to express counting down in English, you can use specific terms for each position. For example, \"the last but two\" refers to the third to last stop, \"the last but one\" indicates the second to last stop, and \"the last one\" signifies the final stop in the sequence.


When discussing phrases related to getting off a vehicle in English, you can use \"off the car\" to signify leaving the transportation. The word \"off\" denotes departure or separation, while \"car\" refers to the vehicle from which you are alighting.