> 文章列表 > 站名的英文译法有哪些




When translating the station name \"Xicun Station,\" it is important to capitalize the first letter of each word, so it should be written as \"Xicun Station\" in English.

What does \"station name\" mean?

In the context of station names, \"station name\" refers to the name of a specific station. For example, \"New station name has invalid characters\" indicates that the name of a new station contains characters that are not valid. Similarly, \"No station name was entered\" means that no station name was provided.

How to translate \"邮政三农服务站\" into English_作业

For the translation of \"postal agricultural service station\" into English, if it is used as a station name, the translation provided is appropriate.

【What is the English term for \"公交车到站时\"? What is the English term for \"公交车到站时\"?】

When a bus is arriving at a station, the English announcement would typically be: \"Ladies and gentlemen, we are arriving at [station name], please prepare to disembark. The next stop is at [station name].\"

How to say \"站点\" in English?

The term \"site\" is used for general locations, including websites, while \"bus stop\" specifically refers to a location where buses pick up and drop off passengers.

Could you provide some simple English phrases? For example, how do you say \"Shanghai地铁一号线\" in English?

When translating \"Shanghai Subway Line 1\" into English, it is important to remember to use \"Subway Station\" when announcing stops. During announcements, it is acceptable to simply say the station name or use a phrase like \"rush up\" to indicate the upcoming stop.

What are the English announcements for Beijing subway stations?

When announcing the next station on the Beijing subway, the typical English announcement would be: \"The next station is [station name], please prepare to disembark.\" Upon arriving at the station, an announcement could be: \"We are arriving at [station name].\"

When \"station\" is mentioned, does it refer to a bus station or a train station?_作业帮

The term \"station\" can refer to both train stations and subway stations, depending on the context. It is a general term used for various types of transportation hubs.

What are the English announcements for Beijing subway stations?

When navigating the Beijing subway, English announcements may include terms like \"interchange\" or \"transfer\" for transfer stations, and directions such as \"east,\" \"west,\" \"south,\" and \"north.\" Specific lines may be referred to as \"Line 1,\" \"Loop Line,\" or \"BATONG Line.\"

What do the new train tickets look like? What changes have been made to the ticket design? -ZOL问答

The new train tickets feature several changes, including the addition of the word \"station\" after the names of the departure and arrival stations. Additionally, the ticket design now places the ticketing station information at the bottom instead of the top right corner.