> 文章列表 > 阳光加油站简介英文怎么写





Gas station is the correct term for \"加油站\". It\'s a place where vehicles can refuel their tanks with gasoline or petrol.


The English translation for \"加油站\" is a gas station, which is widely used in English-speaking countries.


Other terms for \"加油站\" include filling station, fueling station, gas station, and petrol station. In the United States, the term gas station is predominantly used, emphasizing the act of adding gas to vehicles.


1. Gasoline, also known as petrol, is the English term for 汽油.
2. For engine oil, simply saying \"oil\" suffices.


The translation for \"加油站\" can be either gas station or service station.


The English translation for \"中国石化加油站\" is GAS STATION OF CHINA PETROCHEMICAL CORPORATION. When creating a sign for the gas station, simply showcase the logo of Sinopec prominently.


The term gas station refers to a place where vehicles can refuel. It may also refer to specific types of stations like gas mixing stations or gas transmission stations.


A common gas station that serves vehicles with fuel is simply called a gas station in English.


The translation for \"梦想加油站\" is Dream of the gas station. This imaginative term highlights the concept of dreaming or aspiring towards a refueling station.


Gascard refers to a gas card, specifically issued by companies like China Petrochemical Corporation. These cards are used for refueling vehicles at gas stations across the country, such as the Kingsman gas card.