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整体运营如何翻译成英文呢? - 187****2973 的回答

Entireoperation can be translated as a holistic approach to managing all aspects of a business, including but not limited to network operations, marketing operations, planning departments, and commerce. This term encompasses the overall strategy and execution of various departments within a company.


When it comes to English translation, the first category can be broken down into different departments as follows: 1. Network Operations, 2. Marketing Operations, 3. Planning Department, 4. Commerce. Each of these departments plays a crucial role in the overall functioning and success of a business.


In English translation, \"run\" typically means to manage, oversee, or operate. On the other hand, \"station manager\" refers to the individual in charge of a specific station or platform. Therefore, the complete sentence might convey the idea of responsibility and control over certain operations or locations.


The term \"代运营\" can be translated into English as \"an agent of operation.\" This term implies someone who acts on behalf of a company or organization to manage and conduct various business operations. It signifies a role that involves overseeing and running specific aspects of a business.


Sidework can refer to additional tasks or responsibilities that individuals take on in addition to their main job. This can include activities aimed at enhancing skills, gaining experience, expanding social networks, or even pursuing part-time opportunities such as writing. Sidework comes in various forms and can contribute to personal and professional growth in different ways.


English proficiency is essential for urban rail transit operation management. With the increasing globalization and the influx of international companies into the Chinese market, English has become a vital language for communication, especially in the context of urban rail transit operation. The ability to communicate effectively in English can facilitate interactions with international partners and stakeholders in the transportation industry.


The English translation for the position of \"新媒体运营\" is \"new media operation.\" This term refers to the management and execution of strategies related to digital and online media platforms. It can also be expanded to include positions like \"new media operation manager,\" which entails overseeing activities related to digital marketing, content creation, and audience engagement. Success in this role depends on staying updated with the latest trends and technologies in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


When translated into English, the phrase could be rendered as \"Developing sales and customer service both inside and outside the store, formulating customer retention and expansion strategies.\" This description encompasses the responsibilities associated with managing customer relationships, improving sales performance, and strategizing to retain and grow the customer base. Effective customer service and sales efforts are crucial for sustaining business growth and building long-term customer loyalty.


Founded in **月, **year as a Hong Kong-invested enterprise, the company specializes in the production of diverse products and services. It has established a strong presence in the market and continues to expand its operations to meet the growing demands of consumers. The company\'s commitment to quality and innovation sets it apart in the competitive business landscape.


1. Our headquarters are located in New York State, with over 55,000 employees spread across 160 countries, more than half of whom are based in the United States. 2. Document business, Archive Office