> 文章列表 > 关心他人的英语句子


[摘要]:caringme还是caringaboutme1谢谢您的关心Thankyouforyourcar...1,都可以2.都可以,第一种更偏向照顾,第二种更偏向关心,但其实差不多3.Thank you for taking good care of me (all the time) in the 3 years.无微。【写一篇老师和同学对我的关心和帮助的各个方面的英语作文80...The teache



1,都可以2.都可以,第一种更偏向照顾,第二种更偏向关心,但其实差不多3.Thank you for taking good care of me (all the time) in the 3 years.无微。


The teacher's love, like a long river. It quiet, the move is slightly ripple; It is clear, see the bottom of the river "one-stop" service。


I always show my respect and love to the old. My grandparents don't live with us, but we always do our best to help them. I have also vis。


Learn to understand tolerance and to care for others, learn to praise others, learn to respect each other, learn to accept others, learn 。


look aftercare fortake care ofbe carefultake carebe cautious


爱是关怀 爱是分享 爱是为别人寻找最好的 爱是对待别人像对待自己的兄弟一样


The person who really cares about you is not the one who knows you but the one who is willing to stay with you The person who really care。


我来帮你写这篇作文吧How to make friendswhen many people are asked who is the most important person for them,most of there answers are my 。


care about sth担心某事care for照顾,喜欢care后面不能直接加物


.Everyone needs friends,how to learn is very important 2 to make friends,to be friendly.Others first is to attract people's lodestone smi。