> 文章列表 > 第一站烟台站英文




When it comes to translating \"第一站\" into English, the correct term is \"the first station\".


烟台站(Yantai Railway Station) is located in Zhifu District. It is a first-class passenger and freight station under the jurisdiction of the Yantai Depot of China Railway Jinan Group Co., Ltd., and was founded in 1956.


The term \"Train station\" is sometimes used interchangeably with just \"station\" to refer to a train station.


When referring to the originating station or the origin stop of a train station, you can use the terms \"originating station\" or \"origin stop\".

Station 翻译中文是(站)还有什么英文单词翻译是(站)

In addition to \"站\" being translated as \"station\", another English word that can be used to translate it is \"stand\".


The abbreviation for \"第一站\" in English is \"fs\".


As a noun, \"station\" can mean a station, a post, a residence, or a position. Students can download the Hujiang XiaoD Dictionary App on their phones to easily look up word pronunciations, meanings, and example sentences. Have a wonderful holiday!


The proper terms for \"火车站\" in English are \"Railway station\" or \"Train station\".


In Yantai, there are two railway stations, Yantai Station and Yantai South Station, both of which have high-speed trains. Yantai Station, established in 1956 with a design scale of five platforms and eight tracks, is located in Yantai, Shandong Province.


The formal term for \"火车站\" in English is \"railway station\", while \"train station\" is a colloquial term.