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长途客运站英文 怎么读

长途客运站英文 怎么读


When it comes to how to spell \"长途汽车站\" in English, the correct term is \"long distance bus station.\" This precise translation captures the essence of a station designed for intercity bus travel.


Looking for the English translation of \"汽车客运站\"? While \"bus station\" and \"bus stop\" are commonly used, a more formal term would be \"bus passenger terminal.\" This term emphasizes the terminal\'s function as a hub for bus passengers. So, next time you need to refer to a bus passenger station in English, utilize the term \"bus passenger terminal\" to sound more professional.

长途汽车站也用 bus station吗?-沪江网校知识库

It seems like there is some confusion around the usage of \"bus station\" for \"长途汽车站.\" While \"bus station\" is a valid translation, \"coach station\" is another alternative commonly used in English. Both terms effectively convey the concept of a station specifically designed for long-distance bus travel.


Interested in the pronunciation and meaning of \"Yanaba\"? This term serves as the name of a Japanese railway station and can also be an American given name meaning \"brave.\" With its pronunciation emphasizing the first syllable, \"Yanaba\" carries an aura of courage, especially when used as a name for girls.


For those wondering about the abbreviation for \"公共汽车站\" in English, it is simply \"bus station.\" This concise term efficiently communicates the idea of a station dedicated to public bus transportation. Additionally, related terms like \"city bus,\" \"school bus,\" and \"bus system\" offer further insights into the various facets of bus-related infrastructure.

为什么where is the bus stop是汽车站在哪里-沪江网校知识库

The phrase \"where is the bus stop\" may seem straightforward, but its ambiguity arises from the multiple meanings of the word \"stop.\" In this context, \"stop\" refers to a station or depot where buses halt to pick up or drop off passengers. For a deeper dive into the nuances of this term, refer to the link provided for additional clarification.

英文单词不同用法stop 车站;station 车站;terminai 车站-沪江网校知识库

When it comes to the distinction between \"stop,\" \"station,\" and \"terminal\" in English, each term has a specific connotation. \"Stop\" typically refers to a temporary pause point, as seen in bus stops along a route. On the other hand, \"station\" is commonly associated with train stations, serving as a hub for rail travel. Lastly, \"terminal\" also denotes a station but often emphasizes its role as a final destination or interchange point for various modes of transportation.


In English, the word for \"车站\" is simply \"station.\" This versatile term is used to refer to various types of stations, including train stations, bus stations, and subway stations, highlighting its broad applicability in the realm of transportation.


Contrary to popular belief, the English translations for \"车站\" and \"商场\" do not fall under the same category. While \"车站\" corresponds to \"station,\" representing a facility for public transportation like train or subway stations, \"商场\" translates to \"mall\" or \"shopping center,\" emphasizing a retail environment. Despite both being physical locations where people gather, they serve distinct purposes in facilitating transportation and commerce, respectively.