> 文章列表 > 前方就是列车终点站英文




Station *** is the terminal destination for the train. This means that this station marks the end of the line for this particular train route.


The originating station is where the train journey begins, while the terminus is where it ends. The originating station is where passengers board the train, and the terminus is where they disembark.


When the starting point is also the ending point of a journey, it can be described in English as \"Starting point is the end point.\" This means that the journey begins and concludes at the same location, making it a round trip.


As passengers board the train, they are greeted with the announcement, \"Welcome to ride this train. This train\'s final stop is XX station. The next stop will be XX station.\" This announcement informs passengers about the current and upcoming stops on the train route.


The phrase \"beginning is ending\" reflects a parallel structure in English. It signifies that the starting point of a journey is also its conclusion, highlighting the cyclical nature of the journey.


The terminus, the last stop, the terminal station, or the destination are all appropriate ways to express \"终点站\" in English. These terms signify the final destination of the train journey.


The English spelling for \"终点站\" is \"terminus.\" In the context of transportation, it can also be referred to as the \"terminal station.\" For example, \"This train will ter...\"


When discussing transportation-related vocabulary in English, it is important to be familiar with terms such as traffic light, traffic sign, vehicle, train, bus, terminal, station, and taxi. These words are essential for describing various aspects of transportation and traffic regulations.


To describe the \"终点\" in English, it can be referred to as the endpoint, terminal point, or simply the end of the journey. These terms indicate the final destination or conclusion of a transportation route.


Here are some transportation-related English words with their Chinese meanings: ambulance (救护车), bike (自行车), bicycle (自行车), motorcycle (摩托车), car (汽车), train (火车), bus (公共汽车), taxi (出租车), traffic light (交通信号灯), traffic sign (交通标志), vehicle (机动车), terminal (终点站), station (公交站), road (道路), route (路径).
