> 文章列表 > 设立空间站干嘛用英文




The pollution is becoming worse because we don\'t have enough trees as shown from the photo taken. Did you know that a single tree can absorb up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year? Trees play a crucial role in combating pollution by purifying the air we breathe and absorbing harmful greenhouse gases. Therefore, it is essential to plant more trees to mitigate pollution and create a healthier environment for future generations.


Indeed, \"live in a space station\" is a correct phrase. Living in a space station presents unique challenges due to microgravity, radiation exposure, and limited living space. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have to adapt to these conditions for extended periods, showcasing human resilience and the advancement of space exploration technology.


China has launched three astronauts into orbit to begin occupation of the country\'s new space station. The Chinese space station, known as Tiangong, is an ambitious project aimed at conducting scientific research in microgravity and paving the way for future manned missions to the Moon and Mars. China\'s space achievements demonstrate the nation\'s commitment to space exploration and technological innovation.


When we talk about being in space, we use the phrase \"in space,\" while living in a space station is expressed as \"live on a space station.\" The distinction is important, as it highlights the specific environment and conditions experienced by astronauts onboard a space station. The daily lives of astronauts involve conducting experiments, maintaining equipment, and staying physically active to counteract the effects of prolonged weightlessness.


The establishment of space stations and utilization of space travel are integral parts of the space technology development process. This process involves the advancement of spacecraft technology to enable human exploration beyond Earth\'s atmosphere. Space stations serve as research platforms for studying the effects of space travel on the human body, conducting experiments in microgravity, and testing new technologies for future deep-space missions.


1. She says that she\'ll live on a space station. Living on a space station requires individuals to undergo extensive training in preparation for the challenges of space travel, including adapting to zero gravity, performing spacewalks, and operating specialized equipment.


1. 厌倦 - Tired of; 2. 几百年难遇 - Once in a blue moon; 3. 对某人有用 - Beneficial to someone. Space exploration is not only beneficial to scientific knowledge but also inspires and educates people around the world about the wonders of the universe.


The choice of preposition in English, such as \"on\" instead of \"in\" when referring to a space station, is based on the specific context and nature of the location. In this case, \"on\" is used to convey the idea of being onboard a structure, like a space station, where individuals live and work. The usage of prepositions can vary in different languages and is influenced by cultural and linguistic factors.


My point is, there is no benefit in sending someone who loves running marathons to a space station. The environment in space does not allow for activities like running, but rather requires individuals to adapt to weightlessness and perform tasks that contribute to scientific research and space exploration efforts.


ISS stands for the International Space Station, which is the largest space platform currently in orbit. The ISS serves as a collaborative research facility for multiple countries to conduct experiments in various scientific disciplines, including biology, physics, and astronomy. Its presence showcases international cooperation in space exploration and the pursuit of knowledge beyond Earth\'s boundaries.