> 文章列表 > 春联英语单词


[摘要]:贴春联,“春联英语怎么说?贴春联[词典]postnewyearsscrolls;[例句]他们在门上和墙上贴春联。 Theyputuppostersontheirdoorsandwalls. 贴春联[词典]postnewyearsscrolls;[例句]他们在。“春联”用英文怎么说?Spring Festival couplets new year scroll【春联的英文写法我发现有两种1)Sp



贴春联[词典]postnewyear'sscrolls;[例句]他们在门上和墙上贴春联。 Theyputuppostersontheirdoorsandwalls. 贴春联[词典]postnewyear'sscrolls;[例句]他们在。


Spring Festival couplets new year scroll


1.Spring Festival couplets2.New Year scrolls3.New Year couplet4.spring festival scrolls一般都使用Spring Festival couplets 其实你所说的那。


春联SpringFestivalcouplets|NewYearscrolls来源于:Dict。 cn春联:1。 Springfestivalcouplets春联春联(springfestiva 举报/反馈 热门 生活 爱好 数码 农牧 宠。


The role of the Spring Festival is to not only add a festive atmosphere, expressing people's good vision, happy life, but also from style, rich in 。


Pasting Spring Couplets and Picturesput up Spring Festival couplets


过年英语对联(1) 上联:The old year leaves amidst the falling snow. (瑞雪纷飞辞旧岁) 下联:The new spring comes with the shining glow. (旭日... 过年英。


贴春联:Pastesthespringfestivalcouplet 做饺子:makedumplings 收红包:getredpackets 挂灯笼:hangupthelantern 贴春联:Pastesthespringfestivalcouplet 做饺。


关于春节的英文单词: 1、春节 The Spring Festival 2、农历 lunar calendar 3、正月 lunar January; 4、除夕 New Year's Eve; 5、初一 the beginning of New Ye。

贴春联 守岁 吃年夜饭 看花灯 拜年用英语怎么说 - 雨露学习互助

贴春联put up New Year scrolls 守岁 stay up to welcome the New Year 吃年夜饭 have the New Year's Eve dinner 看花灯 watch flower lanterns 。